
Hamza non grata

Well, that was weird. Last night I went to the THIS WEEK media panel at the Freer Art Gallery. Afterwards I spoke with Richard Perle. I was curious to hear what Khidir Hamza ("Saddam's Bombaker") has been up to. I mentioned that I hadn't heard much of anything after I reported the assasination attempt on him in December 2003. Perle insisted there had been no assasination attempt. I insisted there had been. He said, "No, if there had been I would've known about it." I replied that Hamza had survived which I confirmed in 2003 via Perle's PR manager Eleana Benador.

Well right then, Benador stepped into the picture from the right, and so Perle heard that I actually spoke with her by phone on Christmas Day 2003. She called Hamza on his cell phone (which I didn't have) to confirm he was ok. After my brief chat with Benador, Perle excused himself without giving me a comment. Guess that means Hamza never got a "get well" card?