
Lazy WorldNetDaily

Meanwhile, I see WorldNetDaily has a piece out dated Oct 7, which well, gee, has some passages that sound just like my original piece of a month earlier.

WorldNetDaily Oct 7: ""Allah has punished America with winds and water," one imam is quoted in the GIS report as saying. Another imam reportedly quipped that America, as evidenced by the natural disasters, is "under the curse of the Jews."

Cybercast News Service Sept 8: "Allah has punished America with winds and water," said one imam quoted in the report. America is under "the curse of the Jews," said another.

WorldNetDaily Oct 7. "Christopher Brown, research associate with the Hudson Institute's Transitions to Democracy project, maintains that the hurricanes have presented al-Qaida with a unique strategic opportunity.

"If this attack is launched soon," Brown said, "the devastation to the American economy alone could easily far exceed that of the September 11 attacks and could be equivalent to the detonation of a small nuclear device on American soil."

Cybercast News Service Sept. 8: "In a separate analysis, Christopher Brown, research associate with the Hudson Institute's Transitions to Democracy project, warned of the strategic opening that the hurricane aftermath offers jihadists.

"If this attack is launched soon, the devastation to the American economy alone could easily far exceed that of the September 11th attacks and could be equivalent in terms of economic impact to the detonation of a small nuclear device on American soil," Brown said.

Those are just 2 examples. Curious, I contacted Chris to see if WND had contacted him. Here's what he said:

"WND has never contacted me about anything. The only people in the media who contacted me about this issue, other than yourself was a talk radio station in Mich. that I did an interview with on Wed and they got the idea from your article which they mentioned repeatedly and a woman from Scripps Howard News service who called me 2-3 days after your article came out and got a holw new series of quotes."

Well, the woman from Scripps Howard did it the way it's supposed to be done- the ethical way. I might almost note, as pathetic as it is, that WorldNetDaily didn't even copy the quote correctly.

It reminds me of a quote from a book trashing media ethics which I mentioned in a previous post regarding CNN:

Mainstream media's failure to give attribution is discussed by CNN vet Bonnie M. Anderson wrote her very interesting book "Newsflash: Journalism, Infotainment, and the Bottom-line Business of Broadcast News" See the chapter titled: "SOURCES (THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER WE DON'T WANT TO GIVE CREDIT TO) SAY":


"In attempts to hype their investigative skills, networks and local television stations all too often boldly rip off someone else's work without giving proper credit. Some news reporters are no different; they hate being beaten by competitors on their same beat, and they're loath to admit when a colleague gets the story first. Journalists who may abide by all of the other ethical rules often feel compelled to use uncredited material so that viewers don't know they're getting the story an hour or a day late."

Well, this issue is for my higher-ups to follow-up with. As we did before, which resulted in WND editors adding this phrase "Bodansky's report was first exposed in a story by CNSNews.com reporter Sherrie Gossett. " to this story.